Today is the day spent in worshipping Goddess Saraswathi. Think about it, were it not for her what is it that would have been passed down the ages? Where would all the great works of literature, drama and poetry be? Would we know the gods and goddesses in Her absence (she is also the goddess of speech, hence the Vedas would never have reached us!)?
Not that this is worth Her attention. Not that this is to Her refined tastes. Not that this is the best that can be offered to Her, but this is what I can. This post is offered to Her.

Isn't it an attempt at magic,
When we cast life's rainbow
With half-done words, black and red?
In the infinitely finite desert
Slashed by the winds of time
Do hawks and snakes, like paths tread?
Sitting in the benevolent shade
Biting the juicy fruit, do you recall
What you had once called rotten has grown thus?
When the lifetime of goodness is but
A day in the life of Truth, what is
Good, bad and this duality to us?
Like the swan exclaiming "I am alive"
By gazing into the stagnant lake
Why, in mirrors, search for yourself?
If the "why"s and "how"s matter not
And the beheld is all of truth
Isn't life a well-stacked shelf?
After listening to the villagers' words
Did any crow powder itself and
Which donkey sipped honey tea?
Having lost it in the woods
Why gather a dozen strong men
And search it in a well-lit monastery?
Though meats for lions, grains for doves
Fish for seals, and salvation for a sage
Don't they all want the very same?
While the stolen lasts four nights
And the arrogated, a while longer
What's time to an untainted gain?
What's thought to a hungry stomach,
Or God to a bereaved mother
Or reason to whom in love swoons?
Why measure truth in pounds
Or mountains in thumb-lengths,
Or wide oceans in full teaspoons?

With all your bags packed
Shouldn't you know where you are
Before you start to get there?
Why, like dark autumn clouds
Without a drop of wetness within,
Do you rush to thunder and flare?
Without knowing why water is wet
Or why the flame glows warm,
How could you ever know honesty?
When in no storm, does gold leaden,
And no grief makes coal of diamond
Why trade virtue in adversity?
Why does it astonish you that
No sword can bleed the air,
And a feather, no cudgel maims?
In the cold, lonely winter night
Doesn't every red coal need
Fresh breath to blush with flames?
Does the creeper weep tears,
Because the rusted pole
Broke in half and tore it too?
If every joy and grief were like
A sip of water, can an unbinding
Memory, brew unrest in you?
Why enter the marketplace
And walk amidst baskets of goods
Without knowing what you want?
To a river clearly flowing its course
On to the chosen sea, do shunned
Green meadows and deserts haunt?
When one knows what is, is
How can one ever discriminate,
And how can one not do so?
Though boiled rice by a grain is told,
Would you buy a jewel chest
Going by a single ruby's glow?
Like an overflowing cup of tea
How can the chatter of the mind,
Allow the Divine to take its seat?
Ever wonder why fishermen, old,
Teach you to tackle and bait, but
Silently bite into the carp's meat?
In this world of unending action
Who can be happier than the
Dispassionately passionate worker?
When every act of love and labour
Is touched by the deepest flame
How can this man ever ail or suffer?
Have you watched two lovers dance
Stumbling and twirling and tripping
But laughing in their togetherness?
When there are no words, no ideas
No honour, no status, no point to prove
Can there be fear in Truth's soft caress?
In a haste to understand it all
Why do you cast him in your shadow
When the Divine casts no reflection?
What use is any alien resolve to call
All the Divine and live in a haze
When deep down lies a trembling scission?
Having saved your son from seven deaths
With seven sacrifices and seven fasts
Should you now cry at his grave?
Ever know from where desire comes;
Where borne the effort and ease or,
The fate you fear and fortune, crave?
When there is none to make you think
And none to make you feel or realize,
Why make a God of a wordy ploy?
Although these eighteen known shall
Breathe life and joy, would a soul
Ignorant, not live and enjoy?
Yadakshara padh brashtam maathra heenantu yad bhaveth
Tat sarvam kshamyathaam deva, Narayana namostute
Visarga bindu maathraanee, padh paadhaaksharaanee cha
Nyoonaani cha atirikthaanee, kshamsva Purushottama.
WOW what an offering:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the depths of your mind .
There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
[ofcourse Elton john's Circle Of Life Lyrics]
so here i go
Allow me to share this with you...
[ Mahasaraswati ]
Thy Heart of music-Fire
consumes our drowse,
Nowhere our journey ends.
Thy patience unknown all souls
must learn from Thee
To march through immortal lands.
We hurt Thy Heart's arabesque supreme
of bliss.
Ever unplumbed is thy Truth.
Our sheaths' afflicted roots imbibe thy Grace;
In Thee the tapestry of Truth.
All worlds with ignorance blind immerse
in Thy Light,
O Queen of perfection-seal
Thy birth of Lore supreme within us bursts
And makes us eternal, free.
[Excerpt from The Dance Of The Cosmic Gods by Sri Chinmoy...]
What a beautiful image of the Goddess
May be should grab it and make it mine?
I do dabble in Tanjore style of painting the Gods and Godesses...another passion, that's all.
But La-saraswati sounds french...haha
yes 18 well structured verses
Guess i need to ponder over.
But, Zero is not nothing, right?didnt Robert Heinlein say something like -A Martian could spend the whole trip contemplating the subtle difference between zero and nothing."..?
and "what shall remain is this" a touching image
Dear P,
ReplyDeleteYou are God's gift to a blogger. Such elaborate comments are a treat. Although I haven't been driven by comments, your comments render this coy smile to a faceless comment and goad me to write more. Thank you for your patient reflection. I am in debt.
Dear AW,
Glad you found it so. :-)
Dear Anon-U,
Thanks for sharing the lyrics as well as Sri Chinmoy's words. Would love to have a glimpse of your paintings, if you would permit. This Saraswathi is extremely gorgeous and might not suit Tanjore painting style. The Saraswathis done in the Tanjore style are not to my taste (pardon me). Have you seen Raja Ravi Verma's Saraswathi? Amazingly beautiful. One could sit for hours on end watching the smiling face of the goddess. Nevertheless, I would still love to be audience to your paintings if you do permit. Have you read the book "The Book of Nothing" by John Barrow? Very interesting account of the naught. Do you write? Do you have a blog too? Glad you liked that image... :-)
a great idea, and an awesome offering, both to Goddess Saraswathi and your readers. on the personal front, this post made me wonder.. what did happen to my creative juices... why cannot I think in such lines? what has become lacking?
ReplyDeleteand this is no flattery, but then, your blog is a great place to be.
Dear RS,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. I feel the same way when I read Nabokov only to realise that I can never be my true self once I start thinking on "his" lines. Surprisingly it is the lack that permits plenty and not surfeit.
May The Goddess bless you for writing this post.. Parvati's insight, your beautiful words and Uma's colorful verses just made me sit back and meditate on the greatness of The divine Goddess.. Sometimes, words just don't suffice.. I think I understand what you meant when you said this is not the best that can be offered to Her.. However, its many times better than what I could offer Her.. Hence it was a treat going thru' this post. Thanks to the commentators too. Parvati.. great going!
ReplyDeleteI think to complete this to a round 36, another 18 verses are crying out to be written, of course, inspired by the Mother Goddess Mahasaraswati Herself. It is time...